3 Reasons why I write about Military Ministry

1:  I write about being a lay leader in the Navy because it’s what I know. The old adage holds true. Any writer knows more about what he does than what he doesn’t do. Military ministry is what I do.

2:  God called me several years ago to help grow the faith of sailors and introduce them to His grace. I’m so far from perfect it hurts, but I try. Writing is one way I do that. By pointing them to articles I’ve written, and by sharing my unpublished writing with them, I help strengthen my community.

3:  I want you to know what it’s like so you will be able to pray for me and sailors like me. Our life is far from the dungeons of circa 1970’s Iron Curtain, but it isn’t easy either. The more you know about the actual events of ministry in the military context, the more informed and effective your prayers can be.

I won’t always write just about military ministry and lay leadership. In fact, I’ve branched out several times in the last few years to include church planting (EFCA Today), devotionals (The Christian Journal), and general newspaper writing (Sherwood Voice). Yet I feel a tug at my heart to support my brothers and sisters in the struggle against Satan while in military uniform. So I keep writing.