Discipleship – Author S. Daniel Smith https://sdanielsmith.com Author Website Tue, 29 Aug 2023 01:04:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 Sunday Morning Doesn’t Count (at least not how you think it does) https://sdanielsmith.com/sunday-morning-doesnt-count-at-least-not-how-you-think-it-does/ Mon, 14 Nov 2022 11:18:00 +0000 https://sdanielsmith.com/?p=185 This post previously appeared on my former blog. It has been moved to my new website in order to consolidate my writing work.

I can hear some Christians, the ones who think that going to church on Sunday morning equals a solid effort at expressing their faith, suggest that Sunday morning is where they get their discipleship and where they spend time with Jesus.

Here’s the rub though…Sunday morning doesn’t count. At least not like you think it does. Now, before some of you say, “Well, smarty pants author, fine. I won’t go on Sunday mornings anymore,” let me say that Sunday is indeed important. We should never shun meeting together. In fact, we should do it way more often that you do (speaking to those who would say the previous quote).

But Sunday morning was never designed for you to check off the block marked: “Weekly Opportunity to Pursue One’s Relationship with Jesus Christ.” It was never meant to sign off the discipleship block either. In fact, I suspect you’d be hard pressed to prove that you’re being discipled much at all on Sunday morning.

Yes, the Bible tells us to gather corporately (Hebrews 10:25). We were meant for community. But counting for your week of pursuing Jesus? Hardly.

More like passive participation.

You can do better. So can I. Work to find real discipleship. Work to spend real time with Jesus Christ through personal Bible study and prayer.

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